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 What It's About        Data & Locatie       Kosten       Facilitators       Testimonials 
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Wat is de Initiatiereis?
Waarom moeten mannen samenkomen voor deze inwijding?
Hey man,

Met trots presenteren wij aan jou de eerste editie van
 De Initiatiereis voor mannen in Nederland. Deze training is gebaseerd op The Initiation Journey for Men. Een training gecreëerd door Bruce Lyon en doorgegeven door Aaron Kleinerman. Nadat Shahid en Jason meerdere keren deze training samen met Aaron hebben gegeven, kijken wij er naar uit deze training in Nederland én in het Nederlands te geven.

Deze week is voor ons zó uniek, dat we hem ook oprecht graag met de mannen die dichtbij ons staan willen delen. Om die band van broederschap naar een diepere laag te brengen.

De initiatie reis

Van 3 tot 10 september hosten we deze magische week. Een week voor mannen die samen dieper willen aankomen in hun lijf. Mannen die klaar zijn om hun hart verder te openen. Mannen die de veiligheid van broederschap willen ervaren om vanuit daar vertrouwen te creëeren om oude patronen te doorbreken en trauma’s te helen. Om uiteindelijk thuis te komen in de ziel. Zodat we écht kunnen gaan staan en in de wereld kunnen stappen met onze gaven, passie, vuur en kwetsbaarheid.

Ben jij daar klaar voor? Ben jij daar bij?

Welkom bij De Initiatiereis
Nederland, Voorjaar 2024

Voor mannen die verbonden willen zijn met Hoofd, Hart & Ballen.

De wereld is toe aan gezonde, volwassen mannen die weten waar ze voor staan en hoe ze samen moeten staan en elkaar helpen. Om zo een beschaving tot stand te brengen waar de mannelijke en vrouwelijke energieën volledig worden geëerd, geïntegreerd en gevierd. Om de balans te herstellen.

Zoals alle transformaties begint het van binnenuit. We hebben onszelf aan te bieden aan het evolutionaire vuur van transformatie. Zodat we mogen worden wat we in de wereld willen brengen.

Dit is de heilige reis van de moderne spirituele krijger.
Om ons heen zien we continu hoe de oude manier van mannelijk leiderschap faalt. De opkomende leiders zijn niet degenen die denken te weten waar we heen gaan. Het zijn diegene die vanuit integriteit contact maken met hun gevoel en vanuit daar de leiding nemen.

Dit vraagt om integratie van de mannelijke en de vrouwelijke kwaliteiten in onszelf. Zodat de toekomst zich op natuurlijke wijze vanuit hun hart ontvouwt. Ze kunnen staan voor het geheel omdat ze zelf heel zijn.

Een greep uit de inhoud van deze training:

Genezing van wonden uit het verleden, zodat je gezonde, bewuste

broederschap creëren op een nieuwe dimensie. Eentje die langer gaat duren dan een week.

Leer hoe je op een gezonde manier de krachtige mannelijke energie in je lichaam kunt laten stromen.

Je oude rollen, identiteiten en patronen loslaten. En je veilig voelen om te kunnen leven vanuit je hart, niet vanuit je hoofd.

De reis aangaan om diegene te zijn die je zocht terwijl je reist van je persoonlijkheid naar het thuiskomen in je ziel.

Je muren en barrières met andere mannen laten vallen: echte kwetsbaarheid ervaren.

Je innerlijke mannelijke/vrouwelijke polariteiten begrijpen.

Ontdek de kracht van verstillen, vertragen en luisteren. 

Verdieping in je eigen liefdesreis met je eigen innerlijke man & vrouw om deze te ontwikkelen en te integreren.

Het belang van grenzen en toestemming om je eigen veilige space te creeëren.

Bewuste communicatie om meer kwetsbaarheid en emotionele veiligheid te creëren.

Krachtige tantrische rituelen die je hart openen en je in contact brengen met de kracht van je seksualiteit.

Krachtige tantrische rituelen die je hart openen voor de kracht van je zaad.

Het vrouwelijke (in een man) openen voor haar kwetsbaarheid, overgave en ontvankelijkheid.

Het mannelijke wakker maken tot zijn volledige aanwezigheid, potentie en kracht

Data en locatie
Centrum Athanor
Voorjaar 2024
Healseville, Vic
Nov 14-20th
Centro Umepay
November 18 - 25th, 2023
Bali Eco Stay
April 27 - May 3rd, 2024
  Shahid van Helden  
 Hoofdtrainer Trainer

Shahid leeft zijn leven en geeft les met een open hart. Na het ontdekken van Tantra in 2008 volgde een lang pad van leren en groeien waarin hij meerdere Tantrische trainingen volgde.

Tantra en vooral mannenwerk hebben hem geholpen zijn hart verder te openen, het leven volledig te omarmen en de spirituele weg te kiezen.

Hij begon in 2014 les te geven aan mannen in mannenkringen en later workshops, retraites en online workshops. Sinds 2017 geeft hij ook Tantra aan koppels met zijn geliefde (Shashi Solluna) als The Tantric Couple.

Begonnen als een onafhankelijke, natuurbewuste landschapsontwerper in 1994. Shahid is een geaarde familieman, die van de natuur houdt en Shakti aanbidt, en gepassioneerd is over het verbinden van mannen met hun levensenergie, dat het leven van mannen transformeert.

"Het mannenwerk is een van mijn grootste passies, omdat ik geloof dat bewuste mannen nodig zijn om de pijn en het lijden in de wereld te helpen genezen".

  Jason Bart  

Jason leeft om zich los te maken van de beperkingen van onze samenleving en om zijn dromen waar te maken;  Leven in soevereiniteit, zowel op individueel vlak als in gemeenschap. Als vader van 2 volwassen dochters is emotionele intelligentie, volwassenheid rond seksualiteit & persoonlijke empowerment een sterke leidraad geweest op zijn pad.

Onder "Alchemy of Love" is Jason Transformational Coach, Facilitator en Spreker. Jason is zich bewust van de verleiding om verdwaald te raken in het najagen van zaken buiten jezelf om vervulling te vinden. In plaats daarvan luistert hij naar de roep van zijn hart om het avontuur van het leven aan te gaan en helpt hij anderen hetzelfde te doen.

Jason is hier om te delen wat mogelijk is als we de grootsheid in onszelf omarmen.


  Sjoerd Den Daas  

Sjoerd is altijd op zoek naar een leven in vrijheid en het ervaren van liefde. Op zoek naar waarom we hier  zijn en wie we echt zijn?

Sjoerd coacht mannen op het gebied van seksualiteit en de ontwikkeling van zichzelf.
Hij brengt mannen samen en houdt ruimte terwijl hij mannencirkels leidt. Hij helpt hen om zich in broederschap te verbinden met open gesprekken over seksualiteit. "Dat is een plek om open te zijn, waar wordt besproken wat normaal gesproken niet met anderen wordt besproken, waar de hele man wordt uitgenodigd om alles ter tafel te brengen."

Hij faciliteert tantra workshops en tempelavonden. "Een plek creëren waar je je veilig voelt om jezelf te verkennen. Om alle lagen te onthullen en dichter bij de kern van je wezen te komen."
De initiatiereis: de weg van een kleine bange jongen naar een volwassen man.
Vassil Tochev
 I got hit hard from day one and then told it was just a beginning and a taste. It was incredible and I loved the intensity and the deep connection. I loved to see Aaron speak his truth with tears in his eyes and his willingness to give to us all that wisdom. I really hope to take the vulnerability I allowed this week into my outside life. To be brave to show the complete me to myself and the world! 
Attila Akatr 
This embodiment of deep insights, this experience is a transformational, self empowering journey into brotherhood. Using breath, movement and sound as basic tools to find my powers in the subconscious held in sacred space by brothers who are healing at the same time. 
Alejandro Ortiz
This is a retreat that every man on the planet should go through not only to transform themselves but to heal the world. 
Alexandre Alcacer
I highly recommend this experience to any man willing to find a true embodiment of brotherhood and get a better perspective to what it means to be a man in today's world. 
Tony Wittman
This has been a retreat I will not soon forget. I have become more secure with my physical body & my short comings. I would recommend to any man willing to explore their boundaries without judgment. 
Jona Merla
 My experience in the retreat was amazing. I feel I'm a new man. More centered, more secure and less shaky. I'm taking home lots of new teachings and wisdom to apply in my daily life. I am also wanting to go deeper in this knowledge and in my sexuality. Thanks for all of this. 
Dean Phillips
 I have experienced in this short time, received and given, more expensive brotherhood than ever else in my life. Such deep love beyond taboos shared with men, exploring concepts and possibilities I didn't even realize were possible, but my soul had always craved. 
 This retreat was the most expanding, grounding, powerful, connecting, men retreat I have ever participated in. I have so much gratitude and feel so blessed to have been here. It has powerfully affected my life. 
Scott Arnink
 As my first step into this world, I quickly discovered that I had formed my people, my place within the 1st day. I could tell this would be a journey like no other. I was so impressed with the sequence of lessons and how we rapidly climbed upthrough the rubble of our perception and into the place of love and freedom. This truly is an initiation and should not be missed too. Change your world. It’s safe here. 
Mathieu orloff
 Beyond the masks, there is the heart. And it's sometimes a long way to reach it. Especially from a man to another man. Beyond the competition, there is love. And it can be scary to express it and let it grow. It's what this experience led us to. As brotherhood, the ability to vibrate love from our hearts. 
Henry Rodriguez
 This transformational experience is by far the most deep and expansive retreat I have ever been to. It will challenge you in every aspect of your life. A must for anyone wanting personal growth. 
Vassil Tochev
 I got hit hard from day one and then told it was just a beginning and a taste. It was incredible and I loved the intensity and the deep connection. I loved to see Aaron speak his truth with tears in his eyes and his willingness to give to us all that wisdom. I really hope to take the vulnerability I allowed this week into my outside life. To be brave to show the complete me to myself and the world! 
Attila Akatr 
This embodiment of deep insights, this experience is a transformational, self empowering journey into brotherhood. Using breath, movement and sound as basic tools to find my powers in the subconscious held in sacred space by brothers who are healing at the same time. 
Alejandro Ortiz
This is a retreat that every man on the planet should go through not only to transform themselves but to heal the world. 
Alexandre Alcacer
I highly recommend this experience to any man willing to find a true embodiment of brotherhood and get a better perspective to what it means to be a man in today's world. 
Tony Wittman
This has been a retreat I will not soon forget. I have become more secure with my physical body & my short comings. I would recommend to any man willing to explore their boundaries without judgment. 
Jona Merla
 My experience in the retreat was amazing. I feel I'm a new man. More centered, more secure and less shaky. I'm taking home lots of new teachings and wisdom to apply in my daily life. I am also wanting to go deeper in this knowledge and in my sexuality. Thanks for all of this. 
Dean Phillips
 I have experienced in this short time, received and given, more expensive brotherhood than ever else in my life. Such deep love beyond taboos shared with men, exploring concepts and possibilities I didn't even realize were possible, but my soul had always craved. 
Wayve Hoover
 This retreat was the most expanding, grounding, powerful, connecting, men retreat I have ever participated in. I have so much gratitude and feel so blessed to have been here. It has powerfully affected my life. 
Scott Arnink
 As my first step into this world, I quickly discovered that I had formed my people, my place within the 1st day. I could tell this would be a journey like no other. I was so impressed with the sequence of lessons and how we rapidly climbed up through the rubble of our perception and into the place of love and freedom. This truly is an initiation and should not be missed too. Change your world. It’s safe here. 
Mathieu orloff
 Beyond the masks, there is the heart. And it's sometimes a long way to reach it. Especially from a man to another man. Beyond the competition, there is love. And it can be scary to express it and let it grow. It's what this experience led us to. As brotherhood, the ability to vibrate love from our hearts. 
Henry Rodriguez
 This transformational experience is by far the most deep and expansive retreat I have ever been to. It will challenge you in every aspect of your life. A must for anyone wanting personal growth. 
Deze Initiatiereis voor mannen is een manier om mannen samen te brengen in kwetsbaarheid, in broederschap en in hun hoofd en hart. Vanaf de conceptie werd een zaadje geplant om deze initiatiereizen voor andere MANNEN over de hele wereld te laten ontstaan. Dit is aan het gebeuren. Het is tijd om samen te komen om mannelijkheid opnieuw te definiëren en mannen te ondersteunen bij hun volledige integratie.
Ivan Dursk
 I am still processing the profound shifts within myself. The depth and power of this work has repeatedly brought me to tears, triggered deep wounds that were begging to be acknowledged and brought to the light and revealed a connection to sacred brotherhood that is otherwise completely unavailable to my generation. The rituals are initiations into the wholeness of manhood, restored from long-forgotten tribal practices. 
Christopher Krohn 
 Work of this kind should be regarded as essential to any man seeking to embody his full and truest self, to improve his relationship with men, women, family, God and self. This experience touches upon the way we will address business, career, friendship, and all. I am reborn, renewed, and ready to deepen this journey. 
Daniele Crivello
 Knowing we need to work on ourselves means to touch into the unknown. This retreat allows us to hear and be heard. Techniques beyond traditional methods are presented and we expand our view of ourselves and the world. Connection unlike any other. This retreat is needed for all men to explore. 
Kijk wat MANNEN zeggen over de initiatiereis!
“Dit werk herstelt mijn vertrouwen in de mensheid. De moed, passie en onvoorwaardelijke liefde waarvan ik getuige ben geweest tijdens deze procesreis, geeft me veel hoop voor de toekomst. In mannen en hun vermogen om diep te voelen, lief te hebben en te leven vanuit de authenticiteit van het ontwaakte hart, worden mannen de katalysatoren voor diepe genezing van de ziel van onze samenleving."– U.H.
Timo Wiren

Erdem Yazıcı

Antti Leponiemi

 I learned so much on so many levels. I grew up more this week more than what I did for years and any other moments of my life. I am excited to practice and share my new me with the people I love, with my partner, with my parents, brothers, and friends. 
 What a challenging roller-coaster week this has been. I was challenged in many ways. I stretched my boundaries and stepped out of my comfort zone many times. I have learned so much and I felt so much support & love during my journey. I want to say many thanks to Aaron and his amazing team. 
Dean Piper
 “This is my second time attending the initiation journey as I felt how powerful, transformative and liberating this experience was last year and wanted to explore more depths of myself. The journey each time has revealed more and more of my true authentic self and expression by removing layers and layers of conditioning, fear, doubt, shame and guilt. Thank you Aaron and Shahid, much appreciation for you both.”  
Russ Oro
 This retreat allowed me to look at the parts of myself that I had not seen. With the support of my brothers, I was able to do things that I wouldn’t have thought possible. I appreciate the special benefits of this men’s retreat. 
 A deep exploration into what it is to be embodied as a man. Excellent facilitation by Aaron and team. This retreat helped me get in touch with my feminine as well as embody my masculine. 
 Feeling such gratitude in my heart to be witnessed by the masculine; to experience life as raw, wild, deep & playful; the panorama of masculine presence. 
Juan Cruz Argento
 I came to the retreat looking for the man in me, but I did not know the love that would happen. I had many intense, rollercoaster full days where I connected to my inner fears, anxiety, anger, sadness and was able to let them all go. Coming to the end of the retreat, I felt a deeper still presence in me; a strong life force that held me strongly, joyfully and with peace. The love and presence I have been looking for in external masculine, I first found it in my brothers here, and I finally found it in me. I’m totally grateful for this embodied experience for the rest of my life. Thank you 
Filipe Pinto Soares
 The initiation journey has been a deep dive into the unknown and a deep dive into my masculine and feminine, to love all that’s there that wasn’t loved before. I have come fully in my center of awareness. I am stepping back into the world with more presence, peace, aliveness, love, compassion and brotherhood. Thank you, this has changed my life. 
 I came with an open heart knowing that I would be surprised, and I did, big time. I was able to go to inner places that I never imagined existed inside of me. I am going home with deep feeling of gratitude and a completely different way in relating with the masculine and feminine. 
Frank Striefler
 Aaron is a master facilitator and a way-shower. The retreat will push your boundaries in a safe space. I’ve done a fair share of tantra and personal transformation workshops and retreats. This was my first men only retreat and I wish for mankind that every brother will get a chance to do this men’s initiation journey. 
 I was really able to let my guard down. Before the retreat, I would often put my guard up against gay man and keep everyone at a distance. This process has allowed me to let my brothers in, in a loving way and still maintain my boundaries. I feel open and loving and excited to bring this to the world. 
 Wow! Powerful, deep, profound, sweet, intense. Overall, a wild ride through my own consciousness, process, patterns, and blocks. I felt a sweet letting go and deep connection with my brothers. I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to feel and be supported in my process and healing. Deep evolution. 
 I learned so much on so many levels. I grew up more this week more than what I did for years and any other moments of my life. I am excited to practice and share my new me with the people I love, with my partner, with my parents, brothers, and friends. 
 What a challenging roller-coaster week this has been. I was challenged in many ways. I stretched my boundaries and stepped out of my comfort zone many times. I have learned so much and I felt so much support & love during my journey. I want to say many thanks to Aaron and his amazing team. 
Dean Piper
 This is my second time attending the initiation journey as I felt how powerful, transformative and liberating this experience was last year and wanted to explore more depths of myself. The journey each time has revealed more and more of my true authentic self and expression by removing layers and layers of conditioning, fear, doubt, shame and guilt. Thank you Aaron and Shahid, much appreciation for you both 
Russ Oro
 This retreat allowed me to look at the parts of myself that I had not seen. With the support of my brothers, I was able to do things that I wouldn’t have thought possible. I appreciate the special benefits of this men’s retreat. 
 A deep exploration into what it is to be embodied as a man. Excellent facilitation by Aaron and team. This retreat helped me get in touch with my feminine as well as embody my masculine. 
 Feeling such gratitude in my heart to be witnessed by the masculine; to experience life as raw, wild, deep & playful; the panorama of masculine presence. 
Juan Cruz Argento
 I came to the retreat looking for the man in me, but I did not know the love that would happen. I had many intense, rollercoaster full days where I connected to my inner fears, anxiety, anger, sadness and was able to let them all go. Coming to the end of the retreat, I felt a deeper still presence in me; a strong life force that held me strongly, joyfully and with peace. The love and presence I have been looking for in external masculine, I first found it in my brothers here, and I finally found it in me. I’m totally grateful for this embodied experience for the rest of my life. Thank you 
Filipe Pinto Soares
 The initiation journey has been a deep dive into the unknown and a deep dive into my masculine and feminine, to love all that’s there that wasn’t loved before. I have come fully in my center of awareness. I am stepping back into the world with more presence, peace, aliveness, love, compassion and brotherhood. Thank you, this has changed my life. 
 I came with an open heart knowing that I would be surprised, and I did, big time. I was able to go to inner places that I never imagined existed inside of me. I am going home with deep feeling of gratitude and a completely different way in relating with the masculine and feminine. 
Frank Striefler
 Aaron is a master facilitator and a way-shower. The retreat will push your boundaries in a safe space. I’ve done a fair share of tantra and personal transformation workshops and retreats. This was my first men only retreat and I wish for mankind that every brother will get a chance to do this men’s initiation journey. 
 I was really able to let my guard down. Before the retreat, I would often put my guard up against gay man and keep everyone at a distance. This process has allowed me to let my brothers in, in a loving way and still maintain my boundaries. I feel open and loving and excited to bring this to the world. 
Wow! Powerful, deep, profound, sweet, intense. Overall, a wild ride through my own consciousness, process, patterns, and blocks. I felt a sweet letting go and deep connection with my brothers. I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to feel and be supported in my process and healing. Deep evolution.


De prijzen zijn voor 7 overnachtingen in een gedeelde 2 persoons kamer en inclusief 3 maaltijden per dag.
Het totaalbedrag voor deze training plus de kosten voor het verblijf dienen conform de tzt opgegeven datum voldaan te zijn. Bij annulering restitutie van 80% tot 6 maanden voor de startdatum van een evenement. Restitutie van 50% tot 4 maanden voor de startdatum van een evenement en 30 % tot 2 maanden.

Vanaf 2 maanden voorafgaand aan de cursus is er geen restitutie, tenzij er voor jouw plaats vervanging is. Als er vervanging is, krijgt je 90% restitutie.
Aanbetalingen worden niet gerestitueerd!
Mocht de training geannuleerd worden dan ontvangt je al het betaalde terug minus €50,- administratiekosten.

 Meld je aan, er is beperkt ruimte! 

Je aanmelding is bevestigd nadat je de aanbetaling van € 250,- hebt voldaan. Deze is niet restitueerbaar.
Shahid van Helden

“It’s changed me as a person where I used to hide my authentic self to protect myself and now I feel free to express myself. This is true freedom and the best thing to happen to me in 30 years.” – D.T.
Listen to your Intuition
